2021-2022 - Research Seminars & Workshops
- National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Funding Priorities October 19, 2021 12:00-1:00pm CT
Guest Speaker: Dr. Shannon N. Zenk, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN Director of the National Institute of Nursing Research
Moderator: Dr. Alona Angosta, PhD, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, FAAN Associate Dean for Research & Scholarship Professor, Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing
- University Research Administrators at Baylor University: Updates that Impact Research and Clinical Faculty Scholars
February 15, 2022 11:30am-12:30pm CT
Guest Speaker: Delilah Flores-Rivera Senior URA, Assistant to the OVPR
Moderator: Dr. Alona Angosta
Learning objectives: Discuss the specific roles and responsibilities of University Research Administrators (URAs); Describe the pre-award and post-award processes, types of awards and grants handled by URAs and updates (Baylor, R1 institution) that impact both research and clinical faculty
- Health Coaching for Chronic Disease Self-Management
March 22, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm CT
Guest Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Dye, PhD Founding Director, Clemson University Institute for Engaged Aging & Research Professor, Department of Psychology
Moderator: Dr. Alona Angosta
Learning objectives: Describe three principles of adult learning and coaching strategies for behavior change; Describe four strategies for coaching people to self-manage their chronic disease
- Early Career Building from Assistant to Associate Professor (Clinical & Tenure Track Faculty)
April 26, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm CT
Guest Speaker: Dr. Renee Flippo, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC Clinical Associate Professor; Dr. Kelly Rossler, PhD, RN, CHSE, CNE Tenured Associate Professor
Moderator: Dr. Alona Angosta
Learning objectives (Clinical Track): Outline Clinical Associate Professor rank requirements; Provide exemplars for successful promotion to Clinical Associate Professor; Discuss pearls and recommendations to achieve clinical track faculty promotion
Learning objectives (Tenure Track): Summarize measurement criteria for promotion to tenured Associate Professor; Utilize the LHSON Guidelines for Tenure and Promotion to conduct a needs assessment for building your tenure portfolio.
- NIH/NINR Update on the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, Training Grants for Research Faculty
August 24, 2022 2:30pm-3:30pm CT
Guest Speaker: Dr. David Banks PhD, MPH, MSSW, RN Program Director, NINR Extramural Training
Moderator: Dr. Alona Angosta
Grant Writing Workshops: From Novice to Expert
May 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2022
2:00pm-3:30pm CT
Guest Speaker: Virginia Kearney, PhD (c) Proposal Development Specialist Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Research Development Baylor University
Moderator: Dr. Alona Angosta
Description and Objectives: Baylor University LHSON and the Office of the Vice Provost at Baylor University will hold a series of grant writing workshops presented by the Research Development office. These comprehensive grant writing seminars are specifically for nursing and will be presented virtually in four parts, 1.5 hours each, over 4 weeks. Each session is designed specifically for LHSON faculty to explain the process of writing a competitive grant proposal. The workshop will include lectures, activities, and homework exercises
that are aimed to help you develop your first (or next) grant. The workshops cover the fundamentals of proposal writing—concepts backed up with concrete tips and operational strategies —while also providing tools for planning and longer-term sustainability. Most importantly, these workshops help you understand the people and tools available to help you write and submit grants. The grant writing workshops are intended for all faculty members, from novice to expert (tenure track, tenured, and clinical track). Everyone attending should have their camera on for interaction and participation.Workshop 1 (May 4, 2022): Learn why nursing faculty can benefit from writing grants, the kinds of grants available, the Baylor process for writing and submitting grants, and who to go to for help. Activity: create a funding goals chart and choose a project you would like to fund.
Workshop 2 (May 11, 2022): Learn how you can find grants to fund your field and how to use the Baylor tools for finding funding. Activity: sign up for funding alerts and create a personal list of funders for your research.
Workshop 3 (May 18, 2022): Learn the steps of writing a grant, the faculty responsibilities, and how to determine if your idea fits that grant solicitation. Learn about the review process and tips for writing a competitive proposal. Activity: prepare a one-pager of your project idea that you could use in talking to a colleague or a representative from a funder.
Workshop 4 (May 25, 2022): Learn about the resources Baylor’s Research Development has created (Grant Toolkits, Guides, Templates, and Letters) to make your grant writing process smoother and easier. Understand how to access and use these resources for your grant proposal. Learn activities that can help you establish leadership in your field. Activity: plan your grant writing strategy and download Grant Tools appropriate for your discipline.
At the conclusion of the seminar series, faculty should come away with a broader understanding of the grant planning, writing, and review process, the ability to make less arbitrary and more informed writing decisions, and an understanding of the network of research support at their universities.