Current Students
Welcome to Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing! We are overjoyed that you have joined the Baylor family and believe that each new nurse makes the world a better place. You have the potential to do extraordinary good and to make the world a better place. There's never been a more exciting time in medicine or healthcare and there's never been a greater need for the best and the YOU!
Few academic disciplines give students the opportunity to so thoroughly integrate faith with learning, faith with leadership and faith with service. As a Baylor nursing student you will be prepared for a committed life of caring and our dedicated faculty and staff will go above and beyond to help you achieve your dream.
Throughout your educational journey please remember your Baylor family is here for you. If you need anything stop by the Student Services office or call the main desk at 972-576-9100. You may also want to check out Baylor's webpage on all the wonderful opportunities available to you as part of the Baylor family by clicking here.