Uniforms and Equipment
Guidelines: When representing the School of Nursing during class lectures or labs held at BUMC, Sammons Cancer Center, and/or BGCT, the student is required to wear either the Clinical Full Uniform or the Partial Uniform (See descriptions below). Students are required to wear their uniform only when in class, clinical, or lab settings. Students are not to wear BULHSON uniform, lab coat, or pins when outside the class, clinical, or lab setting or when volunteering or working in hospitals or other health care agencies for pay. (Example when not to wear uniform: volunteering at soup kitchen, eating out with friends, shopping at the mall, etc.) Students are role models and should be clean, neat, and well-groomed at all times.
Purchasing Scrubs & Lab Coat: Scrubs are "Landau" brand in the styles listed below. They are available in hunter green or white only. All Uniforms pieces must be purchased from our University supplier, Baylor Follett Bookstore. Additional information regarding purchase will be provided after you have been admitted to the nursing program.
Lab coat should be white Landau brand only in style number 3124 for Men and 3155 for Women.
Shirt sleeves should not extend below the edges of the lab coat sleeve.
Optional: Landau brand Scrub Jackets in unisex style number 7525, are the only permissible jacket allowed in lab or clinical if you are cold.
Nursing Equipment
The Baylor University Bookstore will have nursing equipment packages available at a discounted package prices, however you may also buy the required equipment from any other reputable supplier. Below is the basic equipment list:
- Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope or better
*This is your most important tool and investment -- choose wisely. - MDF Dual Head Pediatric Stethoscope
- Bandage Scissors 5½ in.
- Battery Penlight