Nan Ketcham, PhD(c), RN, CNE
Clinical Associate Professor

MSN University of Texas at Arlington, Texas
BSN University of Texas at Arlington, Texas
Nan Ketcham is the Enrollment Management and Educational Compliance Coordinator at Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing. Her areas of specialty are Obstetrics, Community Health, and Foundational nursing practice. She is a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE). Mrs. Ketcham received her BSN and MSN from University of Texas at Arlington and is pursuing her PhD at Dallas Baptist University in Leadership Studies. Throughout her career, Nan Ketcham has filled many roles as a practicing nurse and a nurse administrator. Notably, Mrs. Ketcham implemented Mother/Baby care at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas and was the Corporate Director of Clinical Applications for the Baylor Healthcare System.
In 2008 and 2009, Nan Ketcham served as one of the AWHONN Leaders on the Hill in Washington DC. In 1993 she was honored as one of The Great 100 Nurses by the Texas Nursing Association. Nan Ketcham serves on many LHSON committees including the Academic Policy Committee and the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. In addition, she represents LHSON on the University Wide Committee on Committees. She is very involved in her local church and serves as a volunteer nurse in several community clinics for low income families.
Nan Ketcham's recent presentations include: "Learning, Leading and Serving on the Streets: A Learning Experience with the Homeless"; "On the Fast Track ... 12 Months to 100% Success: Elevate Outcomes with HESI Conference"; and "The Changing Face of Healthcare: An Integrated, Multi-Community Clinical Practicum to Promote and Maintain the Health of Vulnerable Populations with the Community." In 2013, Nan Ketcham was a reviewer for the textbook, Community and Public Health Nursing, 8th Edition. Her most recent publication is "Teaching and Learning in a Winter Wonder Land" featured in the July/August, 2013 edition of Nurse Educator.