Clinical Professor

DNP The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Post-MSN, University of Texas Medical Branch
MSN The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas
BSN The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas
Work and Education
Dr. Jessica Peck is a Clinical Professor at the Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing (LHSON). Dr. Peck's primary areas of scholarship and teaching include doctoral level pediatric primary care and health policy. She holds active national credentials as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Educator, and Clinical Nurse Leader. Prior to her role at Baylor, her distinguished background includes: Tenured Professor at Texas A&M Corpus Christi College of Nursing; Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Texas Health Science Center School of Nursing and Will Dean Bivens Singleton Professor of Pediatric Nursing, University of Texas Medical Branch. Her clinical experience spans more than 25 years and includes: pediatric outpatient primary care, adolescent sports physicals, pediatric emergent and inpatient care at a community regional hospital, and care of newborns in the hospital setting.
Professional Organizations and Honors
Dr. Peck is highly accomplished in her field. She has served in elected state, national, and international leadership positions in a variety of professional organizations including: Insitute of Pediatric Nursing, American Association of Nurse Practitioners (Region 6 Director); National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (President); and Texas Nurse Practitioners while maintaining active membership in: American Academy of Nursing; National League for Nursing; National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; Texas Nurses Association; and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nurses. Revered as a nurse leader, in 2019 Dr. Peck was honored as the Texas Nurse Practitioner of the Year and is inducted as a Fellow in both the American Academy of Nursing and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Throughout her career she has received many awards and recognitions such as: the 2023 Distinguished Alumnus for the University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing; the Loretta C. Ford Distinguished Nurse Practitioner Award from the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (2023); the Journal of School Nursing Scholarly Writing Award for Article of the Year (2023); Community Impact Award from Texas Nurse Practitioners (2023); the Lillian Wald Humanitarian Award from the National League for Nursing (2022); DFW Great 100 Nurses (2022), Leah Harrison Excellence in Clinical Writing (2022), University of Texas Medical Branch Hall of Fame (2021), Leadership Excellence from the International Council of Nurses (2021), three-time International Academy of Nurse Editors Hall of Fame inductee for Outstanding Article of the Year (2021 and 2023), Outstanding Policy Award from the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (2021), Nursing Hero from the Texas Nurses Association (2021), Sharp Cutting Edge Award and the Advocate State Award for Excellence (2021) by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners; the 2020 Distinguished Alumni by the Capstone College of Nursing at the University of Alabama; Kelly Reed APRN Community Impact Award from the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (2018); and many others.
Articles and Presentations
Dr. Peck contributes to both nursing publications and nursing associations. She has published more than 50 clinical articles in peer-reviewed journals and has authored a dozen chapter contributions to nursing textbooks. Dr. Peck has presented more than 300 times at the state, regional, national and international level on subjects related to pediatric healthcare, advanced practice nursing and human trafficking. Dr. Peck is currently editing the first pediatric textbook in the world on the impacts of COVID-19. She is an author with W Publishing and her parenting book Behind Closed Doors: A Guide for Parents and Teens to Navigate Through Life’s Toughest Issues was ranked by Amazon the #1 new release for parenting books.
Dr. Peck is an internationally recognized anti-trafficking advocate, serving as Lead Medical Consultant for Unbound Houston. She served as the founding Chair of the Alliance for Children in Trafficking (ACT) and started the ACT Advocates grassroots advocacy program, training tens of thousands of nursing professionals at the local, state, national, and international level to respond to human trafficking in their communities. She worked with the U.S. Office of Health and Human Services and the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center to author the first federally issued Core Competencies for health response to trafficking. She was a key advocate, bill author, and legislative witness for House Bill 2059, signed into law by Governor Abbott. This legislation positioned Texas as the first state to mandate standardized education on anti-trafficking for healthcare providers in the state.
As a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and devoted wife and mother of four, Dr. Peck has a special interest in educating and equipping families to promote positive physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual health. She frequently speaks at community events, teaches parenting classes, and serves as a volunteer nurse at camp and other community settings. She is a frequently requested national speaker and often makes guest media appearances on radio, television, and the internet. During COVID-19, she created and hosted TeamPeds Talks, the first podcast for the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, which now has nearly 70,000 listens in 62 countries. Dr. Peck hosts the Dr. Nurse Mama Show, a daily live broadcast on American Family Radio. She is an active member of her local church and serves in the children’s, youth, and worship ministries.
Selected Publications:
U.S. Government Technical Reports
National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center [NHTTAC]. (February 2021). Core competencies for human trafficking response in health care and behavioral health systems. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families [ACF], Office of Trafficking in Persons [OTIP], National Human Trafficking Technical Assistance and Training Center [NHTTAC]. Primary authors: Batley, C., Chon, K. (HHS OTIP), Garrett, A. (NHTTAC) , Greenbaum, J. (International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children [ICMEC], Hopper, E. (Justice Resource Institute), Murphy, L. (Sheffield Hallam University), Peck, J. (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners [NAPNAP], Pfenning, E. (HHS OTIP), Robitz, R. (Department of Pscyhiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California Davis), Stoklosa, H. (HEAL Trafficking, Harvard Medical School).
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
*Denotes Graduate Student Collaboration for Authorship
*Nason, M.J., Peck, J.L., & Osteen, K. (2024). Access, empower, deliver: Increased access to and training on automated external defibrillators for layperson staff. Compass Point, Alliance for Camp Health, accepted.
Peck, J.L., *Rigby, K., *Hettenhaus, K., & *King, K. (2024). Child trafficking: What school nurses need to know. NASN School Nurse, accepted.
*Ivey, L.A., Flavin, P., Vogelaar, K., & Peck, J.L. (2023). A case for the health welfare of Texans: A nurse practitioner state regulation policy analysis. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners 0(0), 1-9. DOI# 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000967
Sonney, J.T., & Peck J.L. (2023). The cost of caring during COVID 19: A clarion call to action to support the pediatric advanced practice nursing workforce. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. In Press
Peck, J.L., Sonney, J.T., Kline-Tilford, A., Koppolu, R., & Garzon, D. (2023). NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth statement on implementation of the core competencies for anti-trafficking response in health systems. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 37(5), 580-584.
*Berry, R., & Peck, J.L. (2023). Holistic hypertension management. Holistic Nursing Practice 37(5), 253-259.
Sunny, C.E., Peck, J.L., & Sonney, J.T. (2023). Pediatric nurse practitioner knowledge of and attitudes toward human trafficking: A psychometric evaluation. Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
Peck, J. (2022). Letter to Editor. Journal for Nurse Practitioners 18(8), 809-810.
Peck, J.L., & *Doiron, M. L. (2022). Human trafficking policies of professional nursing organizations: Opportunity for innovative and influential policy voice. Nursing Forum, 1-9.
Gigli, K.H. , Sonney, J., McRae, E.M., Reyes, I., & Peck, J.L. (2022). NAPNAP position statement on promoting the pediatric nurse practitioner workforce pipeline. Position Statement. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 36(3), 295-299.
*Jolley, C.E., & Peck, J.L. (2022). Diversity, equity, and inclusion policies of national nursing organizations. The Online
Journal of Issues in Nursing 22(2), 2.
*Khuwaja, S., & Peck, J.L. (2022). Increasing HPV vaccination rates using text message reminders: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. Advance online publication.
Sonney, J., Lee, A., Sheehan, A., McNamara, M., Hunter, J., & Peck, J.L. (2022). NAPNAP position statement on resilience and the post-pandemic pediatric nurse practitioner workforce. Position Statement. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 36(2), 205-209.
Peck, J.L. (2022). Partners for vulnerable youth and the alliance for children in trafficking: Using the policy circle model as a framework for change. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, advance online publication.
*Doiron, M., & Peck, J.L. (2022). The role of nursing in the school setting to lead efforts to impact child trafficking: An integrative review. Journal of School Nursing 38(1):5-20.
Peck, J.L. (2021). Letter to the Editor. Journal of Professional Nursing, (38)1.
*Hughes, A., Keys, Y., Peck, J., & Garcia, T. (2021). Reducing nurse practitioner turnover in home based primary care: A department of veterans affairs quality improvement project. Home Healthcare Now, 39(6), 327-335. doi: 10.1097/NHH.0000000000001014
*Sampath, R., Nayak, R., Gladston, S., Ebenezer, K., Mudd, S.S., Peck, J. Brenner, M.J., & Pandian, V. (2021). Sleep disturbance and psychological distress among hospitalized children in India: Parental perceptions on pediatric inpatient experiences. Journal of Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 2021; e12361.
Peck, J.L., Greenbaum, J., & Stoklosa, H. (2021). Mandated continuing education requirements for health care professional state licensure: The Texas model. Journal of Human Trafficking. Advance online publication.
Peck, J.L. (2021). A train-the-trainer programme to deliver high quality education for healthcare providers. Anti- Trafficking Review 17(2021), 140-147.
*Thornberry, A., Garcia, T.J., Peck, J.L., & Sefcik, E. (2021). Occupational health nurses’ self-efficacy in implementing smoking cessation interventions for workers: A manufacturing company quality improvement project. Workplace Health & Safety. https.// Advance online publication.
Peck, J.L. (2021). The Shot Heard Around the World. President’s Message. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 35(3), 258- 259.
*White-Corey, S., Peck, J.L., & *Perez, R.I. (2021). Ethical implications of next-generation sequencing and the future of newborn screening. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 33(7), 492-495.
Peck, J.L., & Sonney, J. (2021). Exhausted and burned out: COVID-19 emerging impacts threaten the health of the pediatric advanced practice nursing workforce. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 35(4), 414-424.
*Aleman, K., *Chipman, M., Peck, J.L., Hughes, A.K., & Murphey, C.M. (2021). Direct to consumer genetic and genomic testing with associated implications for advanced nursing practice. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Advance online publication. https://doi.10.1097/JXX.0000000000000624
Bartek, N., Peck, J.L., Garzon, D., & VanCleve, S. (2021). Addressing the clinical impact of COVID-19 on pediatric mental health. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 35(4), 377-386. (*Presidents Choice; *Article of the Year JPHC)
Book Chapters and Contributions
Peck, J.L. (2024). The clinical scholar role in doctoral advanced nursing practice. In M. Dreher, M.E.S. Glasgow, M. Dahnke, & V.T. Cotter (Eds.), DNP Role Development for Doctoral Advanced Nursing Practice (pp. xxx-xxx). New York, NY: Springer.
Peck, J.L. & Moreno, A. (2023). Chronic conditions and child development. In D. Barber (Ed.), Primary Care of Children with Chronic Conditions (pp. xxx-xxx). Elsevier.
Peck, J.L. (2023). Leveraging a professional nursing organization to create an anti-trafficking care model. In C. Betz (Ed.), Worldwide successful pediatric nurse-led models of care (pp. 255-275). New York, NY: Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-22151-4
Peck, J.L., & Koslap-Petraco, M.B. (2023). Infectious diseases and immunizations. In M. Fitzgerald & D. Jack (Eds.), Pediatric nurse certification review (pp. 255-275). New York, NY: Springer. ISBN 978-0-8261-7944-9
Peck, J.L., Flippo, R., & Moreno, M. (2022). Implications for pediatric nursing practice. In Bergeron, A. et al. (Eds.), Principles in nursing practice in the era of COVID-19. New York, NY: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-94739-2 review (pp. 255-275). New York, NY: Springer.
Peck, J.L. (2020). Child maltreatment. In B. Bolick, K. Reuter-Rice, M. Madden, & B. Severin (Eds.), Pediatric acute Care: A guide for Interprofessional practice (pp. 987-988). St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier.
International Presentations
Garner, S. L., Flippo, R., Peck, J., Ruby, S., Siew, A., & Maganthi, M. Effectiveness of Building Neonatal and Pediatric
Palliative Care Capacity in India: An International and Interprofessional Simulation Collaboration. INACSL – International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning 2023. Podium Presentation. (accepted 1/10/23). RI, USA, June 14-17, 2023.
Peck, J.L. (2022, June). Effective strategies for online student engagement. International Simulation Conference. Baylor University and Bangalore Baptist Hospital. Bangalore, India. (Invited).
Peck, J.L. (2022, January). Family Centered Care. Pediatric and Neonatal Palliative Care Conference. Baylor University and Bangalore Baptist Hospital. Bangalore, India. Virtual because of COVID-19. (Accepted competitive abstract).
Greenbaum, J., Peck, J.L., & Stoklosa, H. (2021, September). Changing the healthcare response to human trafficking: Core competencies for stakeholders. Panel presentation to the Kempe International Conference: A Global Call to Action to Change Child Welfare. 2nd Annual Virtual Conference, the Kempe Center, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. (Accepted competitive abstract).
Peck, J.L. (2021, September). Health disparities in human trafficking of children: Leveraging advanced practice nursing organization resources in response. Poster presentation to the 11th International Council of Nursing NP/APN Network Conference. Halifax, Canada. Virtual because of COVID-19. (Accepted competitive abstract).
Flippo, R., Peck, J.L.. Garner, S., Sudia, T., Magnathi, M., Jacob, S., Slew, A., Johnson, S.R., Doiron, M., & Sellers, C. (2021, April). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Promote Global Public Health by Implementing Evidence-Based Neonatal and Pediatric Palliative Care in India. Virtual poster presentation to the 7th Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference, ‘From Evidence to Impact: Co-designing Care for Future’, hosted by The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Conference hybrid in-person in Hong Kong and virtual attendance. (Accepted competitive abstract).
Peck, J.L. 2021, April). Empowering Nursing Organizations: Using the Policy Circle Model as a Framework for Change. poster presentation to the 7th Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference, ‘From Evidence to Impact: Co-designing Care for Future’, hosted by The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Conference hybrid in-person in Hong Kong and virtual attendance. (Accepted competitive abstract).
Peck, J.L., & Moreno, L. (2020, October 1). Telehealth Innovations: Best Practices and Emerging Paradigms for COVID-19 and Beyond. Virtual presentation to the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative, hosted by Johns Hopkins University. (Invited Panel Presenter with providers from Stanford, England, Texas, & Australia).
Peck, J.L. (2020, August 19). Human trafficking of children: Raising awareness to identify victims in the clinical setting. Virtual presentation to the Michael Rutter Centre for Children and Young People, Maudsley Hospital, Camberwell, London, England. (Invited Academic Day Presenter).
Peck, J.L., & Meadows-Oliver, M. (2019, June). Human trafficking of children: Nurse practitioner knowledge, beliefs, and experience supporting the development of a practice guideline. Poster/Podium presentation at the Thirtieth International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Nursing, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 2019.
Selected Presentations
Peck, J. (2023, Oct). Human trafficking: Responding in clinical environments. Podium presentation at the Texas Nurse Practitioners 35th Annual Conference. Dallas, TX.
Peck, J. (2023, Apr). Keynote Address. Behind Closed Doors. Parent Summit. Bay Area Church. League City, TX.
Peck, J. (2023, Apr). Keynote Address. Empowering NP voice: Speaking truth with power. Vermont Nurse Practitioner Association, 31st Annual Conference. Burlington, Vermont.
Peck, J. (2023, Apr). Commencement Keynote Address [Distinguished Alumnus]. School of Nursing Graduation. The University of Texas Medical Branch.
Peck, J. (2023, Nov). Faculty Meeting. Sponsored by The Maria G. Lamas Featured Speaker Series for Human Trafficking Prevention and Education. Nursing response to human trafficking: Learn. Innovate. Transform. University of Miami, Miami Florida.
Peck, J., & Ponder, J. (2023, Apr). Keynote Address. NPs leading in Arkansas: Uniting, supporting, educating, and enhancing professional identity through organizational engagement. Arkansas Nurse Practitioner Association, Annual Conference. Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Peck, J. (2023, Apr). Keynote Address. Human Trafficking: Engaging and Equipping APRNs for a Trauma-Informed Response. Wisconsin Nurses Association, 37th Annual APRN Pharmacology and Clinical Update Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
Peck, J. (2022, Nov). Keynote Address. Dean’s Fall Lecture Series, Sponsored by The Maria G. Lamas Featured Speaker Series for Human Trafficking Prevention and Education. Nursing response to human trafficking: Learn. Innovate. Transform. University of Miami, Miami Florida.
Peck, J. (2022, Nov). Keynote Address. Extended Workshop presentations included: Trauma-informed care, Human Trafficking 101, Human Trafficking 102, and Adolescent Mental Health, Washburn University, Kansas.
Peck, J. (2022, Oct). Keynote Address. Fall Luncheon, Dallas Women’s Club, Baylor University Dallas, Texas.
Peck, J. (2022, Oct). Keynote Address. Distinguished Alumnus, University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing [Homecoming], Galveston, Texas.
Peck, J. (2022, Oct). Keynote Address. White Coat Ceremony [DABSN], Louise Herrington School of Nursing, Baylor University Dallas, Texas.
Peck, J. (2022, Oct). Keynote Address. Gut check: Is your clinical practice ready to encounter human trafficking? Annual Conference. Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses, Orlando, Florida. [invited]
Peck, J., & Sonney, J. (2022, Mar). Update on NAPNAP’s study: Exhausted and Burned out: Responding to the Pediatric APRN Workforce in COVID-19. Podium presentation at the 41st Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Dallas, Texas. (competitive submission, plenary address).
Peck, J. (2021, Oct). Keynote Address. White Coat Ceremony, Louise Herrington School of Nursing, Baylor University Dallas, Texas.
Peck, J. (2023, Nov). Human trafficking: Identifying and treating victims in the clinical setting. Podium Presentation at the NPACE Conference, Phoenix, AZ. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Nov). Adolescent mental health. Podium Presentation at the NPACE Conference, Phoenix, AZ. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Oct). Nursing as a healing art in an age of discord. Institute for Faith and Learning, Baylor University, Waco TX.
Peck, J. (2023, Sept). Human trafficking. Advanced Practice Provider Week, St. Luke’s with Unbound Houston. Virtual.
Peck, J. (2023, Sept). Human trafficking. Advanced Practice Provider Week, University of Texas Medical Branch. Virtual.
Peck, J. (2023, Sept). Human trafficking. APRN students, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. Virtual.
Peck, J. (2023, Sept). Social skills to meet teens in a social justice, social media, and social distancing world. Podium presentation at the Texas Nurse Practitioners 35th Annual Conference. Dallas, TX.
Peck, J. (2023, Sept). Lions, tigers, and bears oh my! Pediatric mental health in a post-pandemic world. Podium presentation at the Texas Nurse Practitioners 35th Annual Conference. Dallas, TX.
Peck, J. (2023, Sept). US National Webinar on COVID-19 and ACIP + Vaccine Hesitancy Webinar. Role: Moderator. Facilitator: MD Briefcase. Panel Guests: Bill Fisher MD, Sten Vermund (Dean, Yale School of Public Health), Lauren Angelo, PharmD.
Peck, J. (2023, Aug). Human trafficking. Houston Business Women’s Association. Virtual.
Peck, J. (2023, Aug). Human trafficking, Project Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) (Primary Care Reinvention: A Collaborative with the School-Based Health Alliance & Weitzman ECHO at Community Health Centers, Inc.). Middletown, CT. Virtual Presentation.
Peck, J. (2023, July). Vaccine hesitancy: A warm approach for cold feet. Podium presentation at the National Nurse Practitioner Symposium, [Keystone, CO]. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, July). Pediatric concussions: Headaches for patients and providers. Podium presentation at the National Nurse Practitioner Symposium, [Keystone, CO]. (invited).
Hettenhaus, K., Rigby, K., King, K., & Peck, J. (2023, July). Human trafficking: The role of nurses in school settings. Podium presentation at the National Association of School Nurses Annual Conference (Building for the Future: Health, Leadership, and Advocacy), [virtual conference]. [Role: Faculty Advisor for Doctor of Nursing Practice Students.
Peck, J. (2023, June). COVID-19: Implications for pediatric practice. Podium presentation at the National Conference for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, [virtual conference].
Peck, J. (2023, June). COVID-19: Implications for pediatric practice. Podium presentation at the National Conference for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, [New Orleans, LA].
Peck, J. (2023, June). Media training: Building your brand and media wheelhouse. Invited workshop presentation at the National Conference for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, [New Orleans, LA].
Peck, J. (2023, June). Human trafficking: NPs leading the clinical response for core competencies. Podium presentation at the National Conference for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, [virtual conference].
Peck, J. (2023, June). Human trafficking: NPs leading the clinical response for core competencies. Podium presentation at the National Conference for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, New Orleans, LA.
Peck, J. (2023, June). Transitioning from the clinic to the classroom: An academic survival guide. Podium presentation at the National Conference for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, [virtual conference].
Peck, J. (2023, June). Transitioning from the clinic to the classroom: An academic survival guide. Podium presentation at the National Conference for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, New Orleans, LA.
Peck, J. (2023, June). Gun violence prevention. 72nd Annual Pediatrics by the Gulf. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, May). Human Trafficking: Identifying and responding in the healthcare setting. Pediatric Grand Rounds, presented by Duke University, virtual offering. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, May). Covid-19 implications for children and their families. Society of Pediatric Nurses [National virtual webinar]. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, May). Human Trafficking 103. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, [Alliance for Children in Trafficking]. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, May). Region 6 Meeting. Webinar presentation as Region 6 Director of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Apr). Teen mental health: Empowering NPs for primary care integration. Vermont Nurse Practitioner Association, 31st Annual Conference. Burlington, Vermont.
Peck, J. (2023, Mar). Human Trafficking: Identifying and responding in the healthcare setting. Orthopedic Surgery Grand Rounds, presented by the University of Texas Medical Branch, virtual offering. (invited).
Sonney, J., & Peck, J. (2023, Mar). We are not okay: The crisis of confidence facing the pediatric nurse practitioner profession, Podium presentation at the 44th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Orlando, Florida. (competitive submission).
Peck, J. (2023, Mar). TeamPeds Talks: The future of NAPNAP Partners, Podium presentation with Facebook live simulcast at the 44th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Orlando, Florida. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Feb). Professional Development Panel. Presented by the National Student Nurses Association at Louise Herrington School of Nursing, virtual offering. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Jan). Media training. Texas Nurse Practitioners, Austin, Texas. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Jan). Human trafficking: Connecticut leading a public health approach. Part Two: Health Partners In-person training for the Department of Child and Family in collaboration with the School-Based Health Alliance, Mystic, Connecticut. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Jan). Human trafficking: Connecticut leading a public health approach. Part One: Community Partners In-person training for the Department of Child and Family in collaboration with the School-Based Health Alliance, Mystic, Connecticut. (invited).
Peck, J. (2023, Jan). Human trafficking: Virginia NPs leading a public health approach. Webinar virtual presentation for the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners, Richmond, Virginia. (invited).
Selected Media Engagements
POP Talk, Dallas, 93/29/2023. [Lisa Worley]. ”Dr. Nurse Mama” Guest: Jessica Peck. Distributed to King Television:,,,,, Bloom Network, Covenant Daughters Network, Abundant TV, Taken TV, Chryso Reign TV, CTF-TV, and Channel 49 out of Ft. Worth.
TCT TV Network, Akron, 03/23/2023. [Julie & Friends]. ”Dr. Nurse Mama” Guest: Jessica Peck.
Fox 19 Now, Cincinnatti, 10/10/2022. Helping parents and teens navigate tough issues.
Zbrog, M. (2023, May). NP advocates to know: Jessica Peck on human trafficking. Nursing Colleges.
Zimlich, R. (2023, Oct. 1). Stay away from one-size fits all respiratory treatments. Contemporary Pediatrics.
Zimlich, R. (2023, Oct. 2). Does mask wearing really offer protection for adults and children? Contemporary Pediatrics.
Institute of Pediatric Nursing. (2023, August). Emotional safety in pediatrics.
Peck, J. (2023, Sept 18). UTMB School of Nursing Podcast. [Podcast Interview]. Nurse advocacy through policy.
Peck, J. (2023, Aug 21). Hope for parents navigating life’s toughest issues. [Podcast Interview]. Generation Youth with James McLamb.
Peck, J. (2023, July 27). Overwhelm. [Podcast Interview]. Rachel D. Baker.
Peck, J. (2023, Jul 26). Steady On with Angie Baughman. [Podcast Interview]. Healing generational trauma.
Peck, J. (2023, Jul 12). Co-Parenting Confidence. [Podcast Interview]. Navigating the teen years with Dr. Jessica Peck aka Dr. Nurse Mama.
Peck, J. (2023, May 17). Behind Closed Doors [Podcast Interview]. A Wife Like Me with Amanda Davison.
Peck, J. (2023, May 12). Behind Closed Doors. [Podcast Interview]. Treehouse Storytellers.
Peck, J. (2023, Apr 25). It’s Like This. Conversations with Laura Seifert. [Podcast Interview]. A conversation with Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2023, Apr 14). Thrive: Mental Health and the Art of Living Free with Melissa Clark. [Podcast Interview]. Parenting through anxiety: Navigating school shootings and fostering resilience.
Peck, J. (2023, Apr 3). The Bottom Line with Roger Marsh. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2023, Mar 13). Simply Stories Podcast with Emily Humphries. [Podcast Interview]. Stories of navigating the big issues young people are facing empowered with knowledge and hope.
Peck, J. (2023, Mar 1). Thrivehood. [Podcast Interview]. Teen Suicide.
Peck, J. (2023, Mar 1). Perspective Shifts: The One Thing Desired with Cara Blondo. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2023, Jan 31). Love Where You Are with Somer Colbert. [Podcast Interview]. What parents should know about human trafficking with Dr. Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2023, Jan 31). The Monica Swanson Podcast. [Podcast Interview]. Dr Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2023, Jan 28). By His Grace [Misty Phillip]. [Podcast Interview]. Jessica Peck: Hope for Teenage Challenges
Peck, J. (2023, Jan 20). Theology Mix: The Walk with John Snyder. [Podcast Interview]. Dr Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2023, Jan 6). Jesus Over Everything: Lisa Whittle & Friends. [Podcast Interview]. Dr Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2023, Jan 5). Hope Unabridged. [Podcast Interview]. Behind Closed Doors.
Peck, J. (2022, Dec 7). Significant Women with Carol MacLeod. [Podcast Interview]. Building parent-teen relationships with Dr. Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2022, Dec. 6). Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker. [Podcast Interview]. Helping parents and teens navigate through life’s toughest issues, part two.
Peck, J. (2022, Dec. 5). Thrivehood. [Podcast Interview]. Behind Closed Doors: Dr. Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2022, Nov. 28). Reclamation with Tony Miltenberger. [Podcast Interview]. Dr. Jessica Peck Behind Closed Doors.
Peck, J. (2022, Nov. 28). Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker. [Podcast Interview]. Helping parents and teens navigate through life’s toughest issues, part one.
Peck, J. (2022, Nov. 25). Baylor Connections with Derek Smith. [Podcast Interview]. Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2022, Oct 14). Thrive: Mental Health and the Art of Living Free with Melissa Clark. [Podcast Interview]. Behind Closed Doors with Dr. Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2022, Nov 6). Love Where You Are with Somer Colbert. [Podcast Interview]. What teens are saying behind closed doors with Dr. Jessica Peck.
Peck, J. (2022, Oct 24). Perspective Shifts: The One Thing Desired with Cara Blondo. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2022, Oct 24). Point of View with Kerby Anderson. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2022, Nov 2). The One Conversation-Axis. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2022, Nov 3). The Bottom Line with Roger Marsh. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2022, Nov 4). Life on Purpose with Beth Townsend. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2022, Apr 22). Meet the board: Jessica L. Peck, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, CNE, CNL, FAANP, FAAN. [Podcast Interview]. Contemporary Pediatrics.
Peck, J. (2022, Jan). NP Pulse: The Voice of the Nurse Practitioner. Human trafficking: The NP’s role. [Podcast Interview]. American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Peck, J., & Doiron, M. (2021, Dec). Journal of School Nursing Podcast. The role of school nursing in the school setting to lead efforts to impact child trafficking: An integrative review. [Podcast Interview]. Host: Ed Peck, J. (2021, Oct). Advancing Present Practice. Dr. Jessica Peck on Leading. [Podcast Interview].
Peck, J. (2021, Oct). Advancing Present Practice. Dr. Jessica Peck on Leading. [Podcast Interview].
The Office for Advanced Practice at University of Kentucky Healthcare.
Peck, J. (2021, July). Advanced Practice Perspectives. Leadership through the eyes of a president. [Podcast Interview].
Childrens Mercy. eyes-of-a-president
Building a Multifaceted Research Team to Examine the Use of Information Technology in the Creation and Disruption of Domestic Sex Trafficking Supply Networks
Program Name: National Science Foundation, Division of Information & Intelligent Systems
Project Leader: Stacie Petter, Ph.D., Professor, Baylor University Hankamer School of Business
Purpose: This planning grant award will contribute to the advancement of national welfare and interests by building a multifaceted research team comprised of academics and professionals to (1) assess how criminals use information technology to support their domestic sex trafficking supply networks, (2) explore how the criminal justice system has successfully used or struggled to use information technology to detect, disrupt, and dismantle illicit supply networks, and (3) create interventions to disrupt domestic sex trafficking supply networks based on the knowledge gained from examining the use of information technology by traffickers and criminal justice system professionals.
Role: Consultant, Research Team
Project Period: January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Award Amount: $249,998.00
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Promote Global Public Health by Implementing Evidence-Based Neonatal and Palliative Care in India
Program Name: Benjamin F. Brown IV Fund for Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Scholarship
Project Title: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Promote Global Public Health by Implementing Evidence-Based Neonatal and Pediatric Palliative Care in India
Role: Co-PI
Project Period: June 1, 2020 – May 31, 2021
Award Amount: $24,315